Thought Of the Day

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Mars Curiosity Rover found the evidence of waist-deep flowing stream on the Planet

Scientists at NASA on 27 September 2012 announced that the Mars Curiosity Rover has discovered stream bed gravel, which hints towards the presence of waist-deep water on the surface of Mars in the past.
The co-investigator of Curiosity Science, William Dietrich from University of California, Berkeley stated that for the first time water transported gravel was seen on Mars. Rebecca Williams a scientist at Curiosity Rover stated that the shape of these gravels proves that they have been transported by some means but its size proves that it can’t be transported by the wind or some other medium of erosion.
The findings of the scientists following the proofs provided by the cameras of the curiosity rover indicate that once upon a time the dry planet Mars was once wet with the presence of water that followed their for millions or thousands of years.
Scientists at NASA concluded that rover’s central goal was to identify a potentially habitable site on Mars and till now it succeeded in achieving it. Some proofs related to presence of flowing water near by the landing site of rover, the Gale Crater were determined by the presence of pebbles and gravels in the area.

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